Established in 1994
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“Our objective is to be the leaders in Commercial Upholstery.
By exceeding quality expectations, we are confident that our finished products will excel in a commercial environment and ensure the
satisfaction of our clients.”
John Italia
Company Director
Accustom Upholstery is a business to business organisation specialising in commercial upholstery and commercial interiors. By maintaining the highest standards in all aspects of upholstery and recovery services we can provide the right product and service to uphold long term relationships with our clients.
At Accustom Upholstery we set ourselves high production standards. Our clients demand exceptional designs, quality workmanship and fabrics that withstand the rigours expected with commercial use. There is more to producing a quality project than just sourcing the right fabrics. We use the highest quality fire retardant foam that is available in Australia to ensure our work retains its structure and form to meet the demanding and critical needs of the commercial sector.

"Whether the job be small or large, Accustom has the ability to perform their work professionally."
Luigi Pinna Hi Tek Fittings Pty Ltd

"Accustom Upholstery is a company that produces some of the highest quality upholstery work in the market"